Rumination: Tips to end repetitive or ruminating thoughts

Negative thoughts, whether a single one or a series of depressing thoughts come to your mind and won’t leave. It keeps coming back to you, repeatedly, over and over. Do you remember such times in your life? You should pay close attention if you find yourself constantly thinking negative or pessimistic thoughts that are depressing or distressing. Rumination may be a condition.

Definition of Rumination

Rumination refers to a focused attention on one’s distress symptoms and possible causes and consequences as opposed to the solutions. The patient dwells on negative thoughts. This leads to emotional pain, and depression that gets worse. This is what psychologists call “rumination”, a repetitive pattern of negative thoughts.

Risques associated with and related conditions

Rumination can be caused by many mental health conditions, but it may also worsen the symptoms of preexisting mental disorders. These include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Schizophrenia
  • Phobias
  • Stress

Rumination can cause sadness and depression by making it difficult to overcome any obstacles.

How can I stop thinking ruminative thoughts?

It can be very difficult to break free from a cycle of ruminating thoughts once you are trapped. If you start to notice negative thoughts, you can stop the cycle. To prevent further mental health problems, it is important to stop these negative thoughts as soon as possible. Here are some tips to help you stop rumination.


You can practice Mindfulness to live in the moment. It is a great way to stop overthinking and ruminating. Mindful meditation helps you become more aware of your thoughts and psychological states. It also protects against them.

Mindfulness redirects your attention to the present moment. This shift allows you to stop worrying and ruminating. Mindfulness also focuses on compassion, acceptance and kindness. These qualities and skills help to reduce the self-criticisms that are encouraged by rumination.

“Rumination can be relieved if you learn to be mindful. If we are able be aware of and understand how our thoughts work.” – Peter Kinderman

Distraction techniques

Try shifting your focus and distracting yourself from rumination. Distraction techniques can provide temporary relief from the distress that rumination causes. It acts as a “pause button”, which halts your bitterness and gives you a break.

You can use distraction techniques to distract yourself from the negative scene. Take, for example:

  • Browsing your smartphone
  • Listening to music
  • Movies to watch
  • Participating in chores
  • Playing with children
  • Contacting a friend, relative or neighbor
  • Motivational books to read
  • Self-compassion

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s okay to make them in life. You don’t have to be harsh about yourself for making mistakes in the past. You are a normal human being just like everyone else. Ruminating thoughts can make it difficult to let go of past grudges. Self-compassion is a crucial role. You will learn how important it is to prioritize your self-care. The best remedy for rumination is self-compassion and unconditional love. Accept yourself wholeheartedly and be kind to yourself.

Exercise reduces rumination

Many studies and researches in psychology have shown that exercise can improve mental health. A study found that inpatients diagnosed with mental illness can experience rumination if they engage in physical activity. A second study reports that aerobic exercise combined with meditation reduces stress and rumination.

Exercise and physical activity can be a great way to reduce rumination and improve mood.

Set your goals

Readjust your life goals. Perfectionism and unrealistic goal setting can lead to depression. You should investigate if you have set unrealistic goals. What are the reasons you have not reached your goal or what you should do to achieve it? The ruminative mind is reduced by setting SMART goals and achieving them.

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